Credits & References:
Critical Alpha Self Assessment & Survey Questions:
The Critical Alpha Survey Questions were originally inspired by the work of Robertson, et al. (2014); which is based on the original works developed and published by Flin, et al. (2003, p. 102-108). As such, we would like to acknowledge and reference the original authors of the work developed, which was subsequently updated and adapted by Robertson, et al. (2014).
Flin, R., Martin, L., Goeters, K.M., Hörmann, H.J., Amalberti, R., Valot, C. & Nijhuis, H. (2003). Development of the NOTECHS (non-technnical skills) system for assessing pilots' CRM skills. Human and Aerospace Safety 3(2), 95-117. Ashgate Publishing.
Robertson, E. R., Hadi, M., Morgan, L. J., Pickering, S. P., Collins, G., New, S., Griffin, D., McCulloch, P., & Catchpole, K. C. (2014). Oxford NOTECHS II: A Modified Theatre team non-technical Skills Scoring System. PLoS ONE, 9(3): e90320.
The Self Assessment approach of the Critical Alpha Methodology were inspired by Robertson, et al (2014) in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The survey questions were adapted for individuals to use for their own personal development, and is a 100% free component of the mobile phone application.
Note: Adapted from “Oxford NOTECHS II: A Modified Theatre team non-technical Skills Scoring System” by Robertson, E. R., Hadi, M., Morgan, L. J., Pickering, S. P., Collins, G., New, S., Griffin, D., McCulloch, P., & Catchpole, K. C. (2014). PLoS ONE, 9(3): e90320.
Copyright: Robertson et al. (2014) is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Critical Alpha Plan-Do-Check-Act Planning Approach:
Explained briefly, the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle is a model for carrying out change. It is an essential part of the lean manufacturing philosophy and a key prerequisite for continuous improvement of people and processes.
Originally proposed by Walter Shewhart and later developed by William Deming, the PDCA cycle became a widespread framework for constant improvements in manufacturing, management, and other areas. Plan-Do-Check-Act is a simple four-stage method that enables teams to avoid recurring mistakes and improve processes.
Plan-Do-Check-Act is used as a general model or framework for personal development in the Critical Alpha Methodology Mobile Application. Since this model is a well-known and widely used concept, we are not necessarily obliged to provide attribution, however we would still like to credit the appropriate sources.
Shewhart, W.A. (1939). Statistical Method from the Viewpoint of Quality Control. Washington D.C.: Department of Agriculture.
Deming, W.E. (1986). Out of the Crisis. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Advanced Engineering Study.